Learn How To Play Texas Hold'em From Scratch.
Written by: Online Poker Player's Guide
This is a step by step guide to play no-limit Texas Hold'em. It takes you through a hand and explains along the way how it is played. For anyone who has wanted to learn to play this is a perfect starting point.
1. {Blind} The small blind and big blind are anted up. These are set amounts. The small blind is always half of the big blind. The blinds raise over time. 2. The dealer then deals out 2 cards {Pocket Cards} to each player face-down. Dealing clockwise starting to his left one card to each player going around the table twice so that everyone has a total of 2 cards. 3. {First Betting Round} Based on those 2 cards alone starting from the first position the player must at least match the big blind amount or fold. Also at any players turn to bet he may bet up to all his remaining chips. {All-In} If any players bet then that bet must be matched {Called} by any players wanting to stay in that hand. {Raise} Players may also, on their betting turn, raise a previous bet by at least the big blind amount. 4. Next, 3 community cards {The Flop} are dealt face-up in the center of the table. 5. {Second Betting Round} Based on each players 2-down cards and the 3-cards dealt up in the middle everyone bets again. Starting from the dealers right the player can pass without making a bet {Check} or bet. The bet must be at least what ever the big blind is, and as always may be as much as the player has in chips. {All-In} 6. The fourth community card {The Turn} is then dealt face up in the middle of the table. 7. {Third Betting Round} Based on the players 2 down cards in conjunction with the 4 community cards the next round of betting occurs. 8. The fifth and final community card {The River} is then dealt face up in the middle of the table. 9. {Fourth Betting Round} After the final community card is dealt the final round of betting occurs. 10. The players remaining in the hand then turn over their cards to reveal the winner. * After each hand the dealer chip {The Button} is passed clockwise to the next person. * If a player or players go all-in so that no players could bet anymore that results in a showdown. {Showdown} In this event all players involved in the showdown flip over their pocket cards and then all the community cards are dealt face up. In a showdown there is no need to pause for betting rounds. * When dealing it is customary to offer the player to the right a cut. {Cut} * When dealing the flop the dealer should take the first card off the top of the deck and place it face down off to the side out of play. This is know as a burn card. {Burn Cards} A card should be burnt before the dealing of each community card. Except for the flop which only requires one card to be burnt then the 3 community cards may be dealt.
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Learn how to play texas hold'em. Improve your game with our extensive strategies and statistics. Also we list the best sites to play online poker at. All sites listed are both Mac and PC friendly.